Daily Activities and Simple Conversations

1. Daily Routines

  • I wake up at 6 o’clock.
  • I brush my teeth.
  • I have breakfast at 7 o’clock.
  • I go to school at 8 o’clock.
  • I come home at 3 o’clock.
  • I do my homework.
  • I go to bed at 9 o’clock.


  • Wake up:
  • Brush:
  • Teeth:
  • Breakfast:
  • School:
  • Come home:
  • Homework:
  • Bed:

2. Asking for Directions

  • Excuse me, where is the library?
  • It is on Main Street.
  • How do I get to the bus stop?
  • Go straight and turn left.
  • Is the park far from here?
  • No, it is nearby.


  • Library:
  • Street:
  • Bus stop:
  • Go straight:
  • Turn left:
  • Park:
  • Far:
  • Nearby:

3. Shopping and Buying


  • How much is this shirt?
  • It is 10 dollars.
  • Can I try it on?
  • Yes, the fitting room is over there.
  • Do you accept credit cards?
  • Yes, we do.


  • Shirt:
  • How much:
  • Dollars:
  • Try on:
  • Fitting room:
  • Accept:
  • Credit card:

4. Eating Out


  • I would like a table for two, please.
  • Can I see the menu?
  • I will have the chicken rice.
  • What do you recommend?
  • The pasta is very good.
  • Can we have the bill, please?


  • Table:
  • Menu:
  • Recommend:
  • Pasta:

5. At the Doctor’s Office


  • I have an appointment with Dr. Smith.
  • What seems to be the problem?
  • I have a headache.
  • How long have you been feeling this way?
  • For two days.
  • Take this medicine twice a day.


  • Appointment:
  • Doctor:
  • Problem:
  • Headache:
  • How long:
  • Medicine:
  • Twice a day:

6. Making Plans


  • What are you doing this weekend?
  • I am going to visit my grandparents.
  • Do you come to the party?
  • Yes, I do.
  • Let’s meet at the party at 5 PM.
  • That sounds great.


  • Weekend:
  • Visit:
  • Grandparents:
  • Party:
  • Meet:

7. Weather and Seasons


  • How is the weather today?
  • It is sunny and warm.
  • What is your favorite season?
  • I like spring.
  • It rains a lot in the winter.


  • Weather
  • Sunny:
  • Warm:
  • Season:
  • Spring:
  • Rain:
  • Winter:

8. At the Airport


  • Where is the check-in counter?
  • Here is my passport.
  • What time is the flight?
  • The flight is at 6 PM.
  • Where is the boarding gate?
  • It is gate 5.


  • Check-in counter:
  • Passport:
  • Flight:
  • Time:
  • Boarding gate:


This lesson covers various common scenarios and conversations you might encounter daily. Practice these dialogues and vocabulary to enhance your English skills. Using these phrases in real-life situations will help you become more fluent.

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