Learning English is made easy and fun! In this special post, we’ve gathered a collection of simple English sentences, each sentence with its Sinhala meaning. If you’re just starting your English journey or looking to improve your English language skills, These sentences are designed to help you practice and learn English.
The best part? You can download all this content as a PDF. That means you can take your English lessons with you wherever you go, even when you’re offline. So, whether you’re studying at home or on the move, our website is here to support your English learning adventure. Let’s get started and enhance your English skills together!”
As well as | මෙන්ම |
Of course | ඇත්ත වශයෙන්ම |
Keep it up | ඒය පවත්වාගෙන යන්න |
Keep on trying | දිගටම උත්සාහ කරන්න |
How interesting | මොනතරම් රසවත්ද |
That’s excellent | ඒක නියමයි |
You are really lucky | ඔබ ඇත්ත වශයෙන්ම වාසනාවන්තයි |
Look at that | අර දෙස බලන්න |
For what | කුමක් සඳහා ද |
Definitely | අනිවාර්යයෙන් ම |
Yes of course | ඔව් ඇත්ත වශයෙන්ම |
You are quite right | ඔයා හරියටම හරි |
What do you want? | ඔයාට අවශ්ය මොනවාද? |
Don’t worry | කරදර නොවන්න |
Not yet | තවම නැහැ |
You must do it | ඔබ එය කල යුතුමයි |
What else? | වෙන මොනවාද |
Where else? | වෙන කොහෙද? |
When else? | වෙන කවද්ද? |
Who else? | වෙන කවුද? |
How long? | කොපමණ කාලයක් තිස්සේ? |
How often? | කොපමණ කාලයකට සැරයක්? |
How many? | කීයක්ද? |
How much? | කොච්චරක්ද? |
How many times | කී වතාවක්ද? |